Yes I am still in the land of the living.
Lots been happening since my last post way back in May of 2013. When I left the 'Sandpit' in May last year I had planned to come back with my darling hubby in August after his summer holidays. But all my plans were knocked on the head when we decided to move house and we bought a house just along the street in the same village that our daughter and son-in-law live and which resulted in me getting a couple more job hats - Project Manager and Removal Person. I oversaw the re-decoration of the new house, packed up the old house and moved everything to the new house. Got all moved in just before darling hubby came home for his Christmas holidays. Again my plans to return with DH at the beginning of January were knocked on the head on Christmas Eve when we received the devastating news that my beloved Auntie Mo had died in a car accident. She was heading home to spend Christmas with my Mum and Dad. Cutting a long story short I had to delay my return again so that along with my cousin and our families we could clear out her flat. Anyway I am now back in the 'Sandpit' and trying to get back to some kind of routine with my crafting.
Another goal that I had set myself when I left the 'Sandpit' was to lose some weight as I didn't like the number that was appearing on the clothes labels. I can announce that I did achieve that goal in mid-October when I stood on the scales at the Weight Watchers class that I had been attending and it registered a loss of 32 pounds. Now the hard work begins - keeping my 'goal weight'. Doing not bad.
The first couple of cards looked I had just started cardmaking. So no way are they being posted on the 'Palace' Noticeboard. However feel that my mojo is beginning to creep back and feel a bit happier posting a card. This one is for Mother's Day at the end of the month. It will soon be winging its way home to the north east of Scotland and my Mum. The inspiration for this came from a card done be Kristina Werner. As I said I am not fully back into my cardmaking routine and I didn't take a note of what I used, but here it is.
Thanks for popping by.