Thursday, November 27, 2008

Been Tagged

I've been tagged by Val.

With this tag I have to give 7 interesting facts about me. And pass the tag on to 7 more people, so here it goes:

1. My four favourite people in the world are, my darling husband of 25 years and my three wonderful works in progress, Tara, Sarah and Will.

2. Was born an expat brat. Boy does it cause hassle when I have to renew my passport.

3. Glad I was born a girl as my Dad always says that if I had been a boy I would have been called Basil.

4. Am Secretary of the Awali Callies, well someone needs to get the guys in order.

5. Am petrified of snakes.

6. My favourite places to eat are Trader Vics in Bahrain and think I would have to say Simpsons in Aberdeen.

7. Don't mind doing the supermarket shopping, but hate having to put it away.

Phew that was a struggle, now for the next struggle, tagging 7 blogs. Well here goes.

1. Louise's Asylum - well she did start this thing

2. Liz'sWeeScotchCorner

3. The Cazz Bar

4. Jak's Kitchen - she is such an inspiration

5. Cullen Crafts - close to home

6. Anne Marie

and finally

7. PeeJay


Cazz said...

awww thank you Linda xxxxxxx

Karen J said...

Pop over to my blog Linda .. got something for you.
Karen xx